the magic of chainless

Calling it magic. While surfing my favorite book, I found this interesting feature: the chainless foundation single crochet (page 152).  And since then, I am smitten by this new [for me] way of starting your project. A bit more time-consuming than just doing a foundation chain since you “double” the work as you got to create your first row. Yes, you got it right: it’s a foundation-chain/first-row combo.  Certainly easier to point your crochet in the right stitch while embracing row 2.

The only caveat is that it doesn’t forgive irregularities.  If you don’t crochet perfectly the same way, stitch after stitch, you will get an irregular bord.  And it’s okay [I hate it] because your admirers will notice that a real human did it…

To master this magic, I found some additional help with this video from Made with love by Glama.  There are many other videos out there but this one was an easy find, simple and clear [for my brain that is].

The magic can be used also for double crochet. Here is a good explanatory video from Crochet Geek this time.

crochet on the go